Wednesday, May 3, 2017

JN134 Week 4 Blog Forum

Topic 1:
1. I think "do not intentionally sabotage the efforts of other journalists" is the most compelling part of the code of ethics. I guess I found it somewhat amusing because I've definitely seen photographers get into shoving matches over ruining each other's shots to get a better picture. I really couldn't pick one that I felt was more important because I think following each rule is integral in maintaining... integrity.

2. I think "avoid political, civic and business involvements or other employment that compromise or give the appearance of compromising one's own journalistic independence," stands out to me because I'm constantly confronted with the desire to engage in activism but the knowledge that I shouldn't. Once a journalist becomes a supporter of a political movement, they are almost always discredited.

3. One example would be, like I mentioned, wanting to be involved with activism and organizing presents me with a direct conflict with the quote listed above. When I've photographed and written about protests, such as the inauguration day protest, I've felt inclined to inform inexperienced activists of tactical errors they were making but had to keep from doing so.

Topic 2:
I really like this picture by Sam. I like the really shallow depth of field but the words are still legible even thought they're not in focus. I think focusing on the roadrunner was a very good choice for the overall composition.

Honestly, I just love this sign. The composition, light, angle, everything is very good but the sign is what really gets me about this photo.

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